Our Approach

Our combined travel experiences cover four continents, nine countries and a multitude of genres. We specialize in Christian travel, multi-generational and senior travel, foodie and tobacconist travel, cultural exploration and spiritual rejuvenation travel, and recovery travel.

Meet the Team

Cynthia Sawyer

Founder & CEO

For Cynthia, culture curiosity has drawn her to places near and far: From the jungles of Panama to the beaches of Aruba, the lights of Chicago to the darkness of the Nevada desert and even the open-air markets of Cuba.

Shirley Stuckey

Vice President

A history buff by nature and a camera addict by nurture, Shirley brings great spirituality to all of our trips. She has a knack for seeking out the unusual, off-path features of any location and bringing them to the forefront.

Jeffrey Lamberty


Chief tobacconista and head foodie, Jeff has been known to wander back roads in search of the perfect steak and stogie combo! Wherever the team travels, we know we can find Jeff in the area’s best restaurant or cigar lounge.

Next Steps…

For more info, contact us. We would love to help you.